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27 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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not bad, seemed a little bit dragged out though, I didn't laugh at the jokes, but i found them witty and creative, all in all, it was entertaining enough and for what it seems you were going for, i'd say it was reasonably well executed.

guitan11 responds:

i appreciate your honesty. :D

it's allright

i feel like you can't do anything new with madness, it's mostly people wanting to take advantage of the simple assembly and do it their own way, but you guys all actually did a decent job, it wasn't so much the typical kill flip kill... people are starting to get a bit more creative with it, and for that well done.. it was fun to watch

Clatform responds:

thanks :D

right on guv'na

had to watch in medium quality but still looked fancy as hell the characters all had good voice acting behind them, story is excellent so far, theres really allot you can do with it whether you already have a full script or make them episode by episode after the completion of the previous. so much detail in this and the characters + scenery looked very cleanly made. the people in this world seem very squishy which is a funny touch. humour was good too. i was thinking at the begging when the advisor was narrating the legend and turned out to be an Evil advisor " Oh this has been done.." but then you made it into a joke with the very villains i was thinking of which was great. i can see this getting the front page for sure

Jazza responds:

thanks man. yeah i guess the idea is to go with cliche and fun it up a little. i mean, what ISN'T cliche these days? anyhow, i hope to keep SOME suprises comming. thanks man.


quite good i think. the colored one is much better, if your going to make a series, make it your own i say, being close to a mastermind type movie as it is, you wouldn't wanna go all out Copycat with the red. the humour was very english like (i can see thats what you were kinda aiming for). the voice acting was good, microphone sounded 90% ,it could have been slightly clearer but 90% is still good. I noticed though at some points an American accent slipping through when you were doing the English characters.. Not a great deal just every now and then you could hear the american deep 'R' emphasis in the speech, probably wont notice it allot if your from the US. the animation quality was alright, as i said, looks better in colour,the mouth movement was okay and was consistent with the on-off period of talking and not talking. everything was nice to look at. i was worried for a bit at the start after the running race when credits came up, i thought it was all over..lol. but yeah i think your movie all up was nice.
if you wanna make a series of this then go for it, pm me when you get more episodes up.

NerdvanaStudios responds:

Thanks for the comment! I am working on the voice a bit, and I probably will go with the color version. Again, thanks for the great rating.


The Visuals!
great, everything looked awsome. consistently. characters were drawn well and digory looked like a cool original character, colour schemes and all were very nice.
the movement of the characters was smooth and the toddling around looked nice too. music was a good match for the story, themes and drawings. this reminds me of the sort of thing you see on those film festivals like that SOS one they show on this channel SBS sometimes real late at night. i thought it was well put together and i'll be confused if this does not get front page.

WhiteLightning responds:

Thank you very much, that means a lot. I hope I get front page too. :)

Good job

good movie.
the sound quality was good and the drawings were great, music was suspensfull, characters good. i think you did really well with this.. though..
the first part of the movie, the building up suspense seemed the major part of it..
once they got to this creepy farm, it was all over shortly which was disappointing..
the killings and all happend way too fast.. i would of liked to of seen them explore the farm place.. maybe even go in the dudes house and find some old photos or something bizaare creepy stuff that might of hinted to how the farmer got posessed, or why he was isolated or like an ex wife that they discovered he killed.. stuff on the walls from the old days just to give it an eerie vibe.. then they go outside to find one of them disapeard, they look for him to find him mangled or hear a cry somewhere, they find a hidey spot to look over an open area where they see the scarecrow kill their friend, they run and another gets killed EVENTUALLY .. like maybe 30 seconds to a minute or two after.. just in eerie ways. i think thats the kind of stuff it lacked .. but good job still.

Marsume responds:

Inside the house and such, thats an amazing idea. Really! If I had time before the deadline, I would have totally added something like that, it would have added alot to the movie!

Thanks for the awesome review


not really an animation but something weirds happening in it. i duno i just cant get around the fact its not a cartoon.. it looks interesting whatever the hell its about and i'd give a better score elsewhere just here i cant really give you much.

tommclean responds:

Thanks for the review, man. It's a pretty strange video. I animated it through a rotoscoping technique using Adobe Illustrator and combined it with the original footage, reducing the opacities of both set of footage (i tried to give it a unique, half-rotoscoped effect). The description for the video kinda brings clarity to the video although it still doesnt make much sense. I only starred in it and (tried) to animate it.


i like the way the bears run around it doesent look choppy or like its been over tweened or something its just smoothe. its funny how every single sentence they said was the same roar with sharp teeth n shit then goes back to the kiddy bear face. the music was good.. narration didn't compliment the artwork enough but was good enough and on that the scenery was nice and matched the music. you could even show this to young children who cant read i guess. something for everyone lol
7/10 (i'd give an 8 but i gotta start giving more critical reviews)
good job!

v2oonz responds:

thanks for the constructive criticism, you're right about the tweeing, good eye

"show it to children who can't read" hahahaha


its for a school project so i understand its gonna be the language suited to wherever you live but the majority of newgrounds users (i'm guessing) dont speak german.. i didnt have a clue what was happening, it looks like an ad for chewing gum made from trees? well anyway next time around atleast see if you can cram some English subtitles in there, or even speak english and put german subtitles, whatever works for you. animation could have been a bit better, it was very basic and minimal but u say its for a school project, school is known to make people try a large % less ..so.. lol keep practicing i think

TheMatths responds:

Ok you might be right... the next vids I will try to translate...

The school project by the way is a parody of a German crime series called "Tatort". The vids I post here are the ads we put in...

I'm into music, art, hanging out at the beach and video games!

Hayden ;) @HAYDS510

Age 33, Male

Architecture Student

A university somewhere..


Joined on 11/30/07

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