View Profile HAYDS510

158 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses


this is the kind of submission newgrounds has lacked for a long time..
i swear all i see on the front page these days is the same crap. Whoevers pickin the front page stuff keeps gambling on cliche junk! and the only people that find them entertaining are nerds who find lame and obvious and tryhard funny.
as for this submission, i really liked how it was set out. reminded me of a submission i saw in like 2007 or somethin bout the "new jersey devil" which i thought was cool. good work, see if you can finish off anything else you started when you were 12 10/10 5/5

Larty responds:

Thanks for the good review. I'm also getting sick of obnoxious voice-acting and unfunny humor movies on the front page.

It seems that some reviewers (like you) thought that this is my very first movie I have ever made. This is not the case. I only said that this is the first flash I have published on the internet. I have made several movies in the past six years, most of them were never finished, but I also made some school projects with flash that would not be appropriate for Newgrounds. Why? Well, teachers are pretty easy to impress with even simple animation skills. :)

Adam Phillips A.K.A The Benchmark!

i've been on newgrounds for a couple years now and for all the submissions i've seen come and go, i allways remember the stuff this guy does. i noticed that the quality of front page stuff has gone up and the standards of flash work is much higher than it was a few years ago but the Brackenwood cartoons kick their asses still :D i think waterlollies was on the front page back when i actualy made a newgrounds account.. i was privelaged to see the best work as one of the first few cartoons i watched. keep making more! :D this also kinda reminds me of a time (forgive me if i havent been around long enough to say this) but it felt like submissions were more original back then. now everything seems cliche ..
thanks for making these inspiring flash's!


it had a resident evil or a DOOM type thing goin, i liked it.. havent watched much clock crew stuff after a few crap episodes of material with lesser clocks but the FU clock seems cool. how does the infection spread from those fossils anway? after contact with the transformed orange clock i figure the FU clock could of been exposed?
the plot and music were very cinematic.. be cool if this went a lil longer or if you make a second part to it. lookin forward to more stuff like this good job

its cool

lookin forward to watchin more eps of this, i liked the artwork, probably a bit dark for me but then considering what its about it shouldnt be any different. nice concept.. i was thinkin bout that pixies song earlier too.. lol ... GL making more
9/10 5/5


i thought that was pretty awsome! artworks good, i like the color of the eyes..
drawings are cool..i bet alot of work went into it so 9/10 5/5
just a couple of things though that make this a 9 and not a 10..

1.. the red headed guy with the giant sword.. he looks too modern and anime for the zelda style.. its sort of your own creation but as a zelda fan since i was 8 years old.. it just didnt fit the medieval hyrule look im sure alotta people have in there head when they think zelda.. ganondorf used a big spider sword lookin one at some stage but .. that was rediculously large..lol and the test he put link through that seemed more of an anime style script than a zelda script..

2. the voice acting.. it was allright.. once again, your creation, and some of them your characters.. but it didnt realy look like they matched their voices.. i think that 2k dragon dude would of probably of suited link better, the other voices seemed kinda indoors less-hero style ones ...sort of ray romano like. (if you get what im struggling to say) lol. though i thought midnas was a good match

3. lots of out-takes for a not so huge cartoon, i mean by flash standards its big and great but the out takes thing at the end nearly went as long as the cartoon did XD .. and so it doesent look like im nit picking over too many points, ill just add it to the 3rd.. the long hair XD fair enough you like long hair.. but it dont really suit link.. it was all very anime.. which im not a fan of

but dont take that wrong, just things i personally picked up on that i needed to put out there.. not one of those hard to please people..really.. just what struck me as i watched this..
good viewing though, keep making more, this stuffs cool

I hate anime!

i hate anime. thanks for puttin all the sterotypical wierd randomness of it into a cartoon, now i got an example of reasons why i dont like it :D
funny stuff there man good animating.
theres always one dude like that one with the white hair and the glasses and arms folded that think they are some wise ass lol
people that try to act like that, realise YOU WILL BE SLAPPED o.o

holy fuck

this shit is Waay better than madness.
that snowball bunny is a psycho.. was that "combo breaker" from killer instinct gold? First of all the characters are awesome, very cliche storyline but executed nicely. the sound effects and work put in ..tons of detail.. i bet this took a long time. felt bad that the girl bunny died too
u get a 5/5 and a 10/10

Mottis responds:

Yup, the combo breaker was from Killer instinct Gold. Took me a while to find the sound clip but it was worth it :)

I'm into music, art, hanging out at the beach and video games!

Hayden ;) @HAYDS510

Age 33, Male

Architecture Student

A university somewhere..


Joined on 11/30/07

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