View Profile HAYDS510

158 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses


i dont like anime.. only exception is DBZ.. but you have good drawing ability, and unlike alot of anime shit these days, u stayed near enough to normal human proportions (none of that OnePeice shit) so good work there.. and for the content of the animation, the song was fitting so good job.. 9/10 4/5
:Extra Message: those dudes with comments like "woah r u really 15?" obviously u guys were like "holy fuck, a girl!" and rushed to her user page for the dp.. fuckin losers. :)


funny movie. what else can i say?

~please Rate this review as "Useless"~


was alright but was very frustrating having this big movie window, and only a small square inside that containing the actual movie.. also allot of it was very basic looking but considering the program used.. its okay..

narf responds:


emos are fags

grab yourself flash from somewhere if ya got enough money.. or if not *cough lime wire*
for starters the story was ok but it was hard to folow since there wasnt a preloader, it be like play.. freeze.. play freeze.. but your newish so ill let that slide by..
do somethin happy though next time (this is just my opinion, not tryna pick a fight with anyone) but Emos are Faggets! they listen to shit music and theyr all bout their look. if theyr that depressed why cant they finish the job?? cuttin themselfs is there way of saying "i'm too much of a bitch to end it but i'll make it look like i want too" + they want to be different from the "conformists" well why do they dress the same? thats not being different, thats being the same..as eachother.. thats just my say though, i dont like whiney depressing people..
sorry if i fucked anyone off but thats tough shit.

back to the movie 5/10 3/5

my review might be a bit biast

i dont realy like anime at all, its wierd n the characters think strangely.. plus the little japanesey song was realy annoying. but in terms of what youve done its okay.. and metroids a cool game .. so 7/10 3/5

flyboy42 responds:

The crazier the better!
And I love that song, shut up! It's lyrics don't make sense with the animation nor the rest of the song.

bit plain

since its your very first one im not gonna be too harsh because people were supportive with my first entries.. but.. i wouldnt knocksomething up so quick like that just to put something on newgrounds.. as for sprites some people can pull it off realy well like that MK vs DC one but for someone new i wouldnt use sprites till youve got flash sussed.. plus original drawings look alot better than pixelated offcuts from some video game. try doing drawing yourself and make a movie that way, with a propper storyline and have it actually do something. but atleast you tried.. so keep at it and dont ever listen to the real assholes, theyr the fags that dont use flash but scoff all over someones animation when they dont know what time and effort was put into it. just thought id put that there for you incase someone tries to shut your work down! gl with future work

LegatoSkyheart responds:

Hey thanks for the info! yeah I have been thinking of making a drawn out flash before. In fact the Flash "Xin" was the one that made me want to make Flashes in the first place! so the next flash I'll submit will probably be drawn (or sprited who knows!)


that was boring and poorly animated, the concept was alright but you could have done it much better. better drawings, find a way to make your voice work instead of that robotic voice..maybe give a little more content to the story..
also jrpina2 under me made a good point. 2/10 1/5

its true

the teachers were like that when people didn't have them. at our school we didnt have an actual card that said we needed a pen.. our teacher knew who was allowed to use a pen or not and we had to write a page and if we didnt get heaps of errors we were allowed to use a pen.. i got mine straight away because im allright at english and stuff but some of my mates were dumb asses and they had to wait longer. but the first time i ever wrote in an excersize book i got yelled at for using a pen.. i didnt know ya needed a pencil i was only 5 but o well. i can relate to this and the animation and sound effects were good .. so im giving you 10/10 5/5

that was okay

the flash skills were a bit dodgy and there coulda been more sound but the storyline was allright. i used to get worried bout that sorta thing happening when i downloaded crap but then even policemen download stuff these days.
something you could have done though to make the limewire seem more realistic is have how every search always has that stupid "Girl has shaking orgasm" next to the top search result.. it pisses me off! anyway keep up the flash and you'll get better 6/10 3/5


nice animation. those dudes are hell assholes to do that though, if i was that guy i'd find them and beat the shit out of them. still pretty funny how he got hell psyched up it was a good prank.

I'm into music, art, hanging out at the beach and video games!

Hayden ;) @HAYDS510

Age 33, Male

Architecture Student

A university somewhere..


Joined on 11/30/07

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