View Profile HAYDS510

158 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses


nice ending. heres me thinking hes gonna get home and be like "phew" and the slightest incident leads to him getting coverd. but no!! he gets impaled on a fence! scared the shit outa me lol nice.


gotta say ive watched every single cartoon on fat-pie.com (that i know is there) at the moment, and this is more gold to the pile, the hair across the eyeball scene that made me cringe , a trademark of your animations, a good thing too so keep at it and pump out some more A grade stuff. dont let unpleasant radio frequencies get to you!


hahahaha , "im sorry, but your clearly not bill murray, you just are not" pretty funny, especialy the burst at the end. niiiiiice. cool simple characters too. :] nice one. make more cartoons like this :D

nice one

THIS was good to watch. The Animation used is what i like, its pretty well drawn n that. voices were cool. and this was good in that it didnt have to have litres of bloodshed or some trippy confusing arty thing goin on to make it go somewhere, it was a good cartoon. story line was cool too i like the way you think 10/10 5/5

sorbitol responds:

Thanks a lot, mate! This is a cool review!

I tried not to take the easy way by doing loads of blood and swearing. I just wanted to see what people would think of a movie based on some good ol' fashioned cartoon shenanigans!
Fortunately, most people seemed to like the style.

Thanks HAYDS510! And thanks for the great score, too!


fantastic man that was a good way to top off your creation....actualy not just a good way, An INcredible way to top it off you have good story line ideas and i like your drawing style, detailed yet rough, it gets the point made. the sounds of the fight and the music was accuarate to the game ....good work!!!!


i thought this was good! i have never played bishock before, so i cant compare the actual characters from it to what you have done in your animation, but they look great, so it doesent matter anyway. it went for a while but i never got the urge to turn it off, sound and voices were pretty cool, and the humour was good. you coverd pretty much everything i usualy rate. well done.


i keep seeing "useless" on a lot of reviews that are better than some, yet i see alot of worse off ones tagged "helpfull"! i dont know the significance of this review rateing but whatever it might be usefull for, Tag the reviews for their content, NOT WHICH SIDE THEY TAKE!! just because you may not like something and someone gives it a good wrap, its not a useless review, you may disagree with this person b ut if they explain what they liked, didnt like, gave advise, commented on erroes ect. thats a helpfull review!!! once again, i have no idea what the tag for the review is usefull for but i just hate it how people are doing this. thanks


ahahahahahahahahahahahahah that is wicked thats going on favourites! nice work i love it. the voices are hilarioyus and the stuff they say, it would scared the shit out of someone under 10 but who cares bout them, thats was great in the mouth.


haha i can has cheesburger? and the cats are just freaky and cool i wonder what the rest of this will be like, what in hell it is and where its going. good work on the animating too its cool how youve incorporated real cat heads and paws. very oiriginal idea on the cat train too i laughed at that. good stuff


HAHAHAHAHAHAH nice lol the funniest bit was when he was doing those punches in series on albadhur then the next minute theres a teddy bear recieiving it my god i laughed at something, i laughed at something animated. good job. the animations were allright, the sound good. but that one scene, that did it for me nice work

Darkar responds:

Thank you! :)

it was cool...

the characters looked good and everythingthing and it went long enough....i didnt get alot of it but then i dont know much bout megaman...also AXL's voice seemed a lil muffled compared to the others ...still tho pretty cool.

Shadowii2 responds:

True, some parts are like that only people who know about Mega Man X series get them well, meanwhile when others dont.
Also I agree what you said about Axl's voice.

Thanks for your review.

I'm into music, art, hanging out at the beach and video games!

Hayden ;) @HAYDS510

Age 33, Male

Architecture Student

A university somewhere..


Joined on 11/30/07

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